

This a Blogging Platform with rich text editor. Made for College Final Year Project



This is a Task Management App.



This is a Code Sharing Platform.

E-Commerce Website ( Local Storage )

E-Commerce Website ( Local Storage )

This is a simple e-Commerce website which stores data in local storage of your browser.

Image Storage Website ( Local Storage )

Image Storage Website ( Local Storage )

This is a simple image storage website which stores data in local storage of your browser.

Todo App

Todo App

This is a simple web application for managing your todo list. You can add, edit, and delete tasks, and mark them as completed when you're done.

Expense Manager

Expense Manager

A simple Expense Manager which stores data in local storage of your browser.

Digital Clock

Digital Clock

A simple Digital Clock

Coming Soon for Website

Coming Soon for Website

A Simple animated coming soon Page for website



This is a simple stopwatch app built with JavaScript. Read about how to build it on my blog.

Stackme Profile Clone Phone Only

Stackme Profile Clone Phone Only

This is a clone of Stackme made only html and css.

 Temperature Converter

Temperature Converter

Temperature-Converter is a simple temperature converter which convert temperature in other temperature unit as soon as value is typed.